AI Innovation Principles



Below are the principles by which Juniper Networks adheres for AI innovation: 

  1. Mission-Driven: Juniper’s AI solutions will further our mission of solving difficult problems in networking and/or security to the benefit of society.
  2. Transparent: Juniper will be transparent about when it uses artificial intelligence, including in which products.
  3. Explainable: Juniper will design AI-based products and solutions with a goal toward having explainable decision-making processes and intended impact.
  4. Inclusive and Empowering: Juniper will strive toward AI capabilities that minimize unintended bias towards people.
  5. Intentional Machine Learning: Juniper believes AI should be used to inform decision-making and to achieve desired objectives. It should not seek to (1) manipulate human experiences or (2) allocate essential resources or necessities without appropriate ability for intervention.
  6. Data Privacy and Security: Juniper will adopt recommended practices so that AI systems behave as intended, even when attackers try to interfere. Juniper will apply secure development techniques to minimize the possibility that ML models will violate or reveal underlying private data.