Zeus Kerravala, Principal Analyst, ZK Research

ZKast with Bob Laliberte

Industry Voices Operations
Zeus Kerravala Headshot
Side-by-side photos of Zeus Kerravala of ZK Research (left) and Bob Laliberte of ESG (right) for discussion of trends in networking. ZKast logo above photos. On the right, logos of Aruba, Extreme, ZScaler, and Juniper Networks.

From Wi-Fi 6E to Juniper Apstra: The latest network industry news you need to know

If you missed Extreme Networks Connect 2021, then you’ll want to tune into this episode of ZKast with Zeus Kerravala and guest host Bob Laliberte for the key takeaways and the latest tech news, including the launch of Juniper’s Apstra 4.0.

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You’ll learn

  • How Major League Baseball is leading the sports industry in cloud-based technology, plus how other industries can follow its lead 

  • How the new 6 GHz band for Wi-Fi applications and devices is delivering ultimate network performance

  • Why Kerravala says Juniper’s Apstra 4.0 is an excellent product if you are looking to utilize intent-based networking

Who is this for?

Network Professionals Business Leaders


Zeus Kerravala Headshot
Zeus Kerravala
Principal Analyst, ZK Research

Guest speakers

Bob Laliberte Headshot
Bob Laliberte
Practice Director and Senior Analyst, ESG


0:00 [Music]

0:05 uh welcome to c-cast everybody i'm zia

0:07 caraval from zk research and uh

0:09 i have a special co-host with me today

0:11 it's uh none other than

0:13 bob laliberte from esg now a tech target

0:16 company

0:17 uh bob why don't you tell everybody a

0:18 little bit about yourself

0:20 isaiah thanks for having me on yeah so

0:22 i'm senior analyst at the enterprise

0:24 strategy group and i've been focused on

0:26 covering the network space for a number

0:28 of years now

0:29 yeah you're uh one of the better network

0:30 analysts i like that you know i think

0:32 you're maybe the number two you know so

0:36 we won't say who number one is but bill

0:37 just left let people just uh you know

0:39 think that now

0:40 um uh i wanted to have you on because

0:43 this was a

0:44 big week in networking memorial day is

0:46 coming up and it seemed like all the

0:47 vendors rushed to get

0:48 you know product announcements out um

0:51 and uh it's good to see all the network

0:52 activity because

0:54 you know it's been my thesis for a long

0:55 time that the network is growing in

0:57 importance and

0:58 you know it's it's funny that uh i've

1:00 been an analyst 20 years and

1:02 ever since i've been an analyst i've

1:03 been caring about the commoditization of

1:05 the network

1:06 but if you look at all the innovation

1:07 that's been driven into it we're

1:08 certainly

1:09 you know i don't know how you look at

1:10 the market but we're far from being

1:11 commoditized

1:12 yeah absolutely i mean the fact that the

1:14 it pendulum is swinging back towards

1:16 distributed

1:18 only increases the importance of the

1:20 network and the connectivity between

1:22 you know users and apps apps and apps

1:24 users and users so

1:25 and as we've seen over the last year the

1:27 network has become a really critical

1:29 component

1:30 for organizations to ensure their

1:31 business operations on a daily basis

1:34 yeah certainly and that was certainly

1:36 well said and uh

1:37 you know one of the we had an event this

1:39 this week uh

1:40 a virtual event the extreme networks had

1:43 its

1:43 uh connected events with the connect

1:46 event with the tagline of advance

1:48 uh i thought it was a pretty good event

1:50 they condensed the keynotes and

1:51 stuff down to one hour you know thank

1:53 heavens because i think everyone's

1:55 getting a little tired of these long

1:56 events

1:56 um one of them and to support what you

1:59 were saying though with the importance

2:00 of the network they had brian shield on

2:01 who was the cio of the red sox

2:04 and he talked a lot about um the

2:06 digitization of baseball and how

2:09 because of the pandemic they had to

2:10 pivot the digital ticketing contact was

2:12 purchasing

2:13 uh you know things like that and so the

2:15 network all of a sudden became

2:17 really important and uh when you think

2:20 about what major league baseball's

2:21 trying to do

2:22 uh he even mentioned vr and ar and

2:24 things no network

2:26 means no fan experience right so i don't

2:28 know what what do you think away from

2:29 that

2:30 yeah i thought it was really interesting

2:31 and i thought it was great that they

2:32 were hosting it

2:33 at one of the oldest ballparks in the

2:35 country but yet

2:37 highlighting some of the most modern

2:38 technology right i think the first

2:40 sporting venue to implement a lot of

2:42 these contactless

2:44 technologies leveraging wi-fi was the

2:46 super bowl this year

2:48 and so it was really cool to see you

2:50 know fenway someplace near and dear to

2:52 me right very close to me to be able to

2:54 go there and have a contactless

2:55 experience and so having everything

2:57 digitized and the interesting part is

2:59 that i think it was really interesting

3:00 to hear him talk about it's

3:02 it's not just the things you'd normally

3:03 think about just like the ticketing but

3:05 also

3:05 enabling all of the concession stands to

3:08 be able to go

3:09 with that contactless you know

3:11 technology so you know they clearly took

3:13 advantage of the downtime they had in

3:15 the offseason

3:16 to revamp the infrastructure there and

3:18 to be able to roll that out to

3:19 accommodate

3:20 i think what will be going forward

3:22 clearly as things open up it's going to

3:23 be great more people will be going back

3:25 but it just provides a better fan

3:27 experience by being there and being

3:29 not having to deal with money deal with

3:31 anything deal with tickets all that kind

3:33 of stuff so

3:34 i think that's going to be a great

3:35 advance for all of the sports venues who

3:36 adopt this technology

3:38 and i think it's going to be interesting

3:40 to see how else

3:41 they can leverage that technology to

3:44 enhance the fan experience like you said

3:46 potentially ar vr type technologies

3:48 things like that that would be fantastic

3:50 yeah and uh as part of the event

3:52 actually nabil bukari their cto

3:55 came up with a new a kind of a vision

3:57 for the company which is important

3:59 because i think the extremes did a nice

4:00 job of rolling products together

4:02 but this is the first time i've really

4:03 heard them kind of throw a stake in the

4:04 ground right as far as

4:06 kind of where the industry is going he

4:07 talked about something they called

4:09 the infinite enterprise right he had

4:11 three tenets to that

4:13 um infinitely distributed connectivity

4:15 scalable cloud

4:16 and consumers eccentric experience and i

4:19 thought

4:20 given the state of work today the

4:22 infinite enterprise

4:23 does make some sense because frankly the

4:25 enterprise can extend

4:27 to anywhere today right and i i think

4:29 that's uh

4:30 i don't know do you have any thoughts on

4:31 what what they're calling the internet

4:33 uh yeah absolutely i mean i think at esg

4:37 we refer to

4:37 what we're seeing today is more of a we

4:39 refer to as the distributed cloud

4:41 so i know a lot of people like to talk

4:42 hybrid and multi but

4:44 we've seen you know applications are

4:46 being distributed across

4:47 private data centers multiple public

4:49 clouds and edge locations

4:51 and the employees are distributed across

4:53 you know literally wherever i know

4:55 just in in my town i've talked to two of

4:57 my friends who their kids

4:59 have built out a panel van and they're

5:02 driving around the country they're still

5:03 working but they're working from

5:04 wherever they happen to be that day

5:06 so that concept of infinitely

5:08 distributed connectivity really rings

5:10 home where

5:10 it's not just about connecting to the

5:12 home it's connecting to wherever they

5:14 may be

5:14 so i think that really resonates for

5:17 organizations that are dealing with this

5:18 really highly distributed environment

5:21 certainly from a cloud perspective

5:22 all of our research highlights that

5:24 aspect that during the pandemic

5:26 organization's accelerated

5:28 adoption of public cloud services and

5:30 use of in distributing their workloads

5:32 to the public cloud

5:33 and then obviously that consumer centric

5:36 experience that he discussed

5:38 is something that's really important the

5:40 interesting thing is that

5:42 when you're thinking about experience it

5:43 extends it used to everyone's talk about

5:45 customer experience

5:46 but you're hearing a lot more in the

5:47 last year about user and employee

5:50 experience and what they're having right

5:52 because they

5:53 not only from running the it environment

5:56 but also just what their employees are

5:58 experiencing whether they're at home

5:59 whether they return to the office or

6:01 whether they're in a van driving

6:02 somewhere around the country

6:04 that they have that consistent user and

6:06 a consistently good user experience

6:08 yeah and if you elon musk that

6:09 experience that extends out of space now

6:11 i guess

6:11 um correct yeah so one of the the new

6:14 products they announced actually uh and

6:16 every

6:16 you know user conference must have

6:18 product announcements right

6:20 was the was their co-pilot offering

6:22 which is part of their extreme cloud iq

6:24 um and it's an ai offspace platform

6:28 that's designed uh and i like the term

6:30 co-pilot because it's not designed to

6:32 replace the network engineer but in fact

6:34 to

6:35 work with the engineer to help them

6:37 troubleshoot things faster

6:39 and i don't know any network engineers

6:40 that like to troubleshoot so

6:42 i thought co-pilot was a pretty good

6:43 product uh nabeel actually said that

6:47 it had an sla i don't know if it wasn't

6:48 actually hard sla but he said it was

6:50 99 accurate which actually given the

6:53 state of

6:54 the early adoption of aiops and

6:56 networking today that seemed to be a

6:58 pretty big number to me

7:00 yeah i mean that's it well it's

7:01 interesting because they they also the

7:03 thing that i found really fascinating

7:04 about

7:05 the intelligence that they were building

7:06 into it is they actually

7:08 integrated the the worker the human

7:11 quite well with it so when you think

7:13 about a lot of times when we think about

7:15 aiml it follows that traditional

7:17 alert recommend and automate phase right

7:20 so first alert tell me something's wrong

7:21 and i'll go figure it out

7:22 then recommend to me what's wrong and

7:24 you know and eventually let me hit the

7:26 easy button and go forward

7:28 i thought some of the cool parts i saw

7:29 about co-pilot revolved around the area

7:32 that

7:32 they i think they refer to it as

7:34 explainable ai right so

7:36 they're trying to take the mystery it's

7:38 not a black box that just

7:39 runs off and does something and oh by

7:40 the way you might lose your job if it

7:42 does the wrong thing

7:43 but it tells you hey this is what we

7:45 think we should do and this is why

7:47 and oh by the way if you want you can

7:49 click here and connect into our

7:51 into our service center and talk to a

7:52 human and so forth so bringing that

7:54 human involvement into ai i think is

7:56 critical

7:56 for its adoption because ultimately all

7:59 of these

8:00 these administrators and the people

8:01 using it the engineers need to be

8:03 comfortable with it so i think what

8:04 they've tried to do is somewhat humanize

8:06 ai

8:07 and even to the point where hey you're

8:10 not sure what this is click here for a

8:11 video

8:12 right they're trying to really make it

8:14 as smooth and a seamless transition to

8:16 adopting that technology

8:18 that ultimately will save them a lot of

8:20 time and make them more operationally

8:21 efficient

8:22 but doing it in a very human way so i

8:25 thought that was a really nice touch

8:27 yeah and uh i i thought the other really

8:30 notable part of the keynote structure

8:32 too was the interview at the end

8:33 that norman reister ceo had with

8:35 charlotte college from broadcom

8:37 frankly charlie is a pretty big hitter

8:39 in this industry i was a little

8:40 surprised to see him on there but that

8:42 was you know great for extreme

8:44 and they did talk about how extreme was

8:46 part of the early access program

8:48 or broadcom and for extreme customers

8:50 that news itself is pretty significant

8:52 because now extreme gets access to all

8:54 the silicon for broadcom earlier than

8:56 a lot of its competitors they get access

8:59 to uh to a lot of these the software

9:01 they influence the road map and for you

9:04 know extreme they've

9:05 you know they've uh they've made their

9:07 bet you know with broadcom

9:10 and i think if you're an extreme

9:11 customer that was certainly good news

9:13 and that aren't going to be any

9:14 takeaways from the charlie interview

9:16 yeah no i think you covered most of it i

9:17 mean it was great to see that they've

9:19 got that type of a strategic

9:20 relationship that gives them that early

9:22 access so they're able to bring new

9:24 technologies we know things are changing

9:26 so fast these days

9:27 that having that inside track to the

9:29 latest technologies is just going to

9:30 enable them to

9:31 to roll out that functionality that much

9:34 faster to their to their customers as

9:35 well

9:36 yeah all right well uh lots going on

9:39 extreme that's good to see

9:40 uh this company has sort of you know

9:42 gone through some ups and downs and

9:43 integrated all those companies but they

9:44 seem to really have the engine revving

9:46 now so

9:47 uh expect to see more from them also

9:49 this week bob i start early in the week

9:51 aruba

9:52 network's an hpe company they always

9:53 make me throw that in

9:55 announces 630 630 series of access

9:58 points

9:59 and as far as i know these are the

10:01 they're the first vendor to offer

10:04 a wi-fi 6e

10:07 access point that's a business grade i

10:09 mean right

10:11 next to gaming and if you're not

10:13 familiar with wi-fi 6e

10:14 this is wi-fi that uses the six

10:16 gigahertz spectrum

10:18 instead of the traditional 2.45 and

10:21 what that lets you do a whole bunch of

10:23 things you have better bandwidth you get

10:24 better throughput because it's not

10:26 congested

10:27 um you should get better performance

10:30 it actually makes the 160 80 and 40

10:32 megahertz channels usable

10:34 which then aren't really a 2.4 5. i

10:37 think some of the key applications that

10:38 you'll see

10:39 will be i have more iot devices i think

10:41 it's great for video early on eventually

10:43 everything will be 60 probably uh but

10:45 given that we're going to see a rise in

10:47 the workplace

10:48 um in the number of iot devices for

10:50 people you know coming back to work even

10:52 like cleaning robots things like that um

10:55 i

10:55 you know i think um it's uh it was a

10:58 pretty good announcement from my the

10:59 aruba aps are tri-band so

11:02 customers can deploy it and still run

11:03 their 2.45 and when the

11:05 when the six gigahertz uh the 60 devices

11:08 come up they can connect those as well

11:09 so

11:10 i don't know i know you cover wi-fi

11:12 pretty closely what do you what do you

11:13 think of the ap

11:14 and then just the overall uptake what

11:16 would she expect for uh succeed

11:18 yeah i think this is obviously it's a

11:20 great to see these types of advances

11:21 right so the fcc just opened up the

11:23 spectrum i think it was last year about

11:25 a year ago

11:25 now and so to see that rapid turn around

11:28 and be able to bring this technology to

11:30 market

11:30 is certainly going to help i mean having

11:33 that those three bands having like you

11:35 said

11:35 that capability to be able to for highly

11:38 congested areas and things like that to

11:39 be able to bring that additional

11:41 capability to bear

11:42 is certainly going to help as

11:44 organizations come back

11:46 hpe aruba has always had a focus on iot

11:48 and having those you know so from the ap

11:50 perspective supporting additional iot

11:52 protocols is certainly going to help as

11:55 well

11:56 and like i said i think it opens up for

11:58 some new opportunities and new

11:59 possibilities for organizations that

12:01 maybe couldn't use wi-fi previously for

12:05 things like ar and vr

12:06 and you know we all we we know that it's

12:08 going to be the new workplace the hybrid

12:10 workplace is going to be video intensive

12:12 so we also know it's going to be very

12:14 much you know when we talk about hybrid

12:16 people aren't talking about assigned

12:18 desks they talk about hot swapping the

12:19 desks and so forth

12:21 so i think you're going to see a lot of

12:22 organizations you know moving to the 6e

12:25 technology as it rolls out it's

12:27 certainly going to be

12:28 at the very least it's going to be great

12:30 for future proofing

12:32 organizations right if you're thinking

12:33 about doing a deployment now now that

12:35 there's some enterprise grade solutions

12:37 available it gives you a lot of options

12:39 for how you build out

12:40 your environment yeah and um you know we

12:43 talked about ai ops in the last section

12:45 with extreme

12:45 there is some ai built in this as well i

12:47 know one of the unique features it has

12:49 is something they call

12:50 it i think it was altered fry band

12:52 filtering to minimize the

12:54 interference between the five and six

12:55 gigahertz band uh basically what it does

12:57 is it um

12:58 it dynamically it's looking at traffic

13:01 and it dynamically applies filters

13:03 uh allowing that traffic to stay

13:06 separate so

13:07 it optimizes performance even though

13:08 you've got all the radios in one device

13:10 you actually get a very clean spectrum

13:12 whether it's five or six

13:13 tigers yeah and ultimately that comes

13:16 down to is

13:17 it is providing a better experience for

13:18 the users right so that you keep coming

13:20 back to these same themes around

13:22 it's operationally efficient so people

13:23 don't have to spend time troubleshooting

13:25 those activities and ultimately the

13:27 people who are using it the employees

13:29 the customers potentially

13:30 are getting a much better experience

13:31 when they're when they're using it so

13:34 yeah i don't know of any commercially

13:35 available 6e devices i think

13:37 one of the uh the the asian

13:41 phone manufacturers has one now but

13:43 certainly over the next uh

13:44 couple of years we'll start to see more

13:46 of them so yeah and like you said i mean

13:48 this is something that's going to be

13:49 rolling out over time and as always

13:51 anytime there's a new technology there's

13:52 a lag between the devices having

13:55 the ability to access that technology

13:57 but like you said if you're if you're

13:58 thinking about rolling something out now

14:00 that ability to future proof just makes

14:02 all the sense in the world yeah and if

14:03 you don't do that what i always find is

14:05 customers wind up having to do the

14:06 deployment twice right they do it today

14:08 and then you know oh my god we have all

14:10 these devices we got to do it now so

14:13 okay and uh the other uh the last bit of

14:16 notable network news i thought was

14:17 juniper's announcement of abstract 4.0

14:20 so after it was an acquisition they made

14:22 uh

14:23 earlier this year late last year

14:25 something like that uh

14:26 and they were uh the the indus one of

14:29 the first intent based networking

14:30 vendors

14:31 uh they are um vendor agnostic which is

14:34 what i liked about astra

14:36 and this was their 4.0 launch and so uh

14:39 the 4.0

14:40 launch it introduced uh things like

14:43 sonic support uh better support for

14:45 vmware's nsx

14:47 t 3.0 uh they had a bunch of templates

14:49 as well

14:50 right so uh customers could deploy

14:52 things much faster

14:53 i i like ask abstra i think thought

14:56 there was a little bit of heavy lifting

14:57 done to get it up and running

14:58 so the templates should uh you know

15:01 certainly help with that

15:02 um and uh i think uh from a juniper

15:05 perspective they have kept the product

15:07 vendor agnostic which i think is good

15:10 every time you close things down you

15:11 limit the appeal of it so

15:13 obviously down the road i think there

15:14 will be some juniper juniper benefits

15:16 but

15:16 uh they they did maintain the vendor

15:18 agnes part of appstore and i think if

15:20 you're a customer

15:21 running a network and you're looking to

15:22 do you know some intent-based network in

15:24 your data center

15:25 astra is an excellent product so that's

15:27 you know

15:28 your thoughts on this yeah no i think a

15:30 lot of those a lot of the capabilities

15:31 that you highlighted are going to

15:33 certainly help a lot i mean from from

15:35 our research we know that

15:36 i think it's like over 75 of

15:38 organizations

15:40 still have less than 40 percent of their

15:42 workloads in the cloud

15:43 so the data center environment is still

15:45 extremely real it's still large it's

15:47 still very complex

15:48 and again having something like appstore

15:51 coming into that environment and

15:52 especially now with their ability to see

15:54 into

15:55 vmware's nsxt having that visibility

15:58 into the underlay and overlay

16:00 is going to drive a lot more efficiency

16:02 i think like you mentioned

16:03 they provided support for sonic so for

16:05 those hyperscale environments those

16:06 people that want to build that out

16:08 they now have the capability to work

16:10 with that so

16:11 i think a lot of what they're doing and

16:14 that intent based networking

16:16 and the closed loop automation and

16:18 things like that that they have as part

16:19 of that are all going to help drive

16:21 a lot of the operational efficiency in

16:23 the data center and a lot of those

16:25 things like you mentioned the templates

16:26 are certainly going to help with that

16:28 especially in large scale environments

16:29 where they need to roll out across

16:31 entire fabric and i think the other you

16:33 know like you said they are keeping it

16:35 agnostic so they're

16:36 they're covering cisco they cover arista

16:38 cumulus and i think

16:40 they added some of the the juniper

16:41 switches with this as well right the qfx

16:43 and

16:44 maybe the srx or something like that

16:46 yeah and i i will say that this is

16:49 the continued evolution of juniper

16:52 as a much stronger enterprise company

16:54 you know prior to

16:55 rami rahim come in as their ceo i

16:58 already questioned whether juniper even

16:59 wanted to be in the enterprise space at

17:01 all it's like

17:02 they they had a bunch of i guess

17:04 interesting products but they never

17:05 really had an enterprise strategy

17:07 now with uh you know with the ac this

17:09 all started with the acquisition of mist

17:11 you know and then 128t and now appstra

17:14 they seem to really have the

17:15 enterprise engine going and uh you know

17:18 they they've recently promoted some

17:19 missed announcements now abstract

17:21 and uh this seems to be a company that's

17:23 actually got a very

17:24 you know sound uh go forward strategy in

17:26 place

17:27 yeah they've made some real strategic

17:30 acquisitions

17:31 i think is the best way to describe it

17:33 to bolster their enterprise space and

17:35 you know we we talk amongst ourselves

17:37 about the mystification

17:38 of juniper right as they roll that out

17:40 across their entire product line and

17:42 apps are bolstering the data center

17:44 space right and

17:46 128 technology is helping out on the lan

17:48 side they've got security so

17:50 they're playing into the you know

17:51 they've got options for sassy

17:53 they've got an end-to-end capability

17:55 they're going to be cloud-based in their

17:56 management so

17:58 i think a lot of what they're doing is

18:00 really positioning themselves to have

18:02 significant growth in the enterprise and

18:04 i think that's it's not only positioning

18:05 them but if you look at their numbers

18:07 it's it's bearing fruit that over the

18:09 last year they've been making

18:10 significant strides in the enterprise

18:12 yeah and the point you made about the

18:13 acquisitions uh being good acquisitions

18:15 actually is a notable one because i

18:17 think they went from

18:18 a long period of time where they had

18:20 just wasted acquisition after wasted

18:22 acquisition so

18:23 uh they seem to figure that out now so

18:25 you know good for them

18:26 i think strength in the enterprise

18:27 networking space as we talked about the

18:29 beginning is important because of

18:30 all the advancements and all the the

18:33 different ways the enterprise the

18:34 network is touching us today

18:36 yeah absolutely and so lastly i just

18:38 want to touch on this we don't spend a

18:40 lot of time on it because i think we've

18:41 been

18:41 going a little while here z scanner

18:43 announced their earnings this week and

18:45 i um you know while this is a security

18:47 topic they are becoming more of a

18:49 network company right and so if you're

18:50 not familiar with z-scaler

18:52 if you're watching this they're a

18:53 cloud-based security company that's

18:55 really

18:56 pivoted to sassy and what's interesting

18:58 about sassy is it's finally brought

19:00 we've been talking about bringing

19:01 security and networking together for a

19:02 long time

19:03 nobody just nobody did it right and so

19:05 now with sd-wan it's sassy that's

19:07 happening but their billings grew

19:09 seventy-one percent year-over-year the

19:11 street was expecting 42 percent so

19:14 you know they kind of knocked the cover

19:16 off of that the revenue improved 60

19:18 year-over-year the street was expecting

19:19 48 um they had a lot of large deals

19:23 and the large deals is important too

19:24 because a lot of the early adoption of

19:26 z-scaler was

19:27 down market right and so in addition to

19:31 they're added to their portfolio as well

19:33 as

19:35 in addition to their internet access

19:37 product with zpa private access they

19:38 announced

19:39 that they've come out with a client

19:41 cloud connector cloud protection service

19:43 and stuff so

19:44 uh this is a company that when i look at

19:47 it

19:48 you know they have a market cap of 26

19:49 billion dollars on a revenue of only 656

19:52 million

19:53 you can look at that stock as overpriced

19:54 but clearly

19:56 the trend in networking and security is

19:58 to the cloud

20:00 right and um and they are maybe

20:03 on the security side anyways the poster

20:05 child for that and this concept of

20:07 hybrid workplace

20:08 um you really can't use old-school

20:11 security

20:12 you know big heavy appliances in a bunch

20:14 of places and so this is

20:15 this i think z scanner sort of

20:17 epitomizes the shift that's going on in

20:19 the industry now

20:21 where you know we need more agility we

20:23 which drives us to more cloud because we

20:25 need to deploy services everywhere and

20:26 so

20:27 if you think of the concept that we

20:28 started with with the infinite

20:29 enterprise

20:30 the z-scaler model you know certainly

20:32 helps secure that as well so i don't

20:34 know if you have any

20:35 uh thoughts on what we're seeing here so

20:37 yeah no absolutely like we talked about

20:39 the more distributed things become

20:42 the more you need to have solutions that

20:44 will help you secure that environment

20:45 and connect the environment we've been

20:46 talking a lot about on the networking

20:48 side but

20:49 everything that's connected has to be

20:50 secured and so

20:52 i think it was interesting to see when

20:54 the pandemic first hit a lot of

20:56 organizations

20:57 went to their their old technologies

21:00 right hey

21:00 we gotta spin up the vpn concentrators

21:02 get some more firewalls spun up in the

21:04 data center

21:04 and they basically recreated to ensure

21:06 security they recreated

21:08 a model they were trying to get rid of

21:10 with sd-wan and that all the remote

21:12 users were now funneling through the

21:13 data center to get to any cloud apps and

21:15 things of that

21:16 nature so you know the timing has been

21:18 really good for zscaler

21:20 in that with everyone re remote and

21:22 working from home

21:23 and needing to be secure securely

21:25 accessing applications

21:27 it provides a great opportunity for them

21:29 to be that point

21:30 in between i know a lot of the sd-wan

21:32 companies already had

21:33 basically point-and-click connectivity

21:35 to z scalar

21:36 already and i think that's just

21:38 accelerated throughout this last year

21:40 and

21:41 and certainly the the sassy wave that's

21:44 hitting us right i mean it might be

21:45 you might say it's at this point maybe

21:47 sassy washing right everyone is is

21:49 becoming a sassy vendor

21:51 but that convergence of network

21:52 insecurity just makes a lot of sense

21:55 and so you know having that ability to

21:58 provide secure access to your

21:59 applications provide some protection

22:01 right so you can't

22:02 you know have to worry about ransomware

22:03 and things like that when you're going

22:04 through z-scaler

22:05 i think all those things are making a

22:06 lot of sense and as organizations shift

22:08 from

22:09 their temporary solutions i.e like vpns

22:12 and things like that

22:13 and shift and look for a long-term

22:14 solution that the z-scalers

22:16 is really well positioned to accommodate

22:18 those

22:19 well anyways bob this is uh this has

22:21 been a bit of a long one we had a lot of

22:22 stuff going on so

22:24 uh on behalf of bob lillibridge i'm c.s

22:26 caraval i want to thank you bob for

22:27 joining me hopefully i have you again

22:29 and uh thanks for watching everybody

22:31 don't forget to click to subscribe

22:33 and i just want to give one last uh

22:35 shout out to my media partner e-week

22:37 uh and this is done in conjunction with

22:39 the e-speak series so thanks for

22:40 watching

22:41 see you next week

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