Sterling Perrin, Senior Principal Analyst, Heavy Reading

Light Reading Webinar: The Future of Network Automation for Tier 2/3 Service Providers

Network AutomationAI & ML
Sterling Perrin Headshot
Screenshot from the webinar video with host Sterling Perrin, Senior Principal Analyst, Heavy Reading in the upper-left corner. The title of the webinar is also shown, which reads, “Light Reading Webinar: The Future of Network Automation for Tier 2/3 Service Providers.”

Unleash the future of network automation for smaller service providers.

Elevate your Tier 2/3 communications service provider game! Discover cutting-edge network automation trends, explore the power of cloud-delivered solutions, and unlock the full potential of AI in streamlining your operations. Watch now for expert insights and actionable best practices.

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You’ll learn

  • Which trends should be considered for network automation

  • Whether a cloud-delivered/SaaS alternative is a better option

  • The role AI can play during operations

Who is this for?

Network Professionals Business Leaders


Sterling Perrin Headshot
Sterling Perrin
Senior Principal Analyst, Heavy Reading

Guest speakers

Kevin Landry headshot
Kevin Landry
Senior Product Marketing Manager, Juniper Networks


0:00 in today's webinar the future of network automation for tier 2 3 service providers sponsored by Juniper Networks

0:07 before we begin I will cover a few housekeeping items on the left hand side of the screen is the Q a if you have any

0:14 questions during the webcast please type your question into the Q a box and submit your questions to our speakers

0:20 all questions will be saved so if you don't get to answer you we may we may follow up by email

0:26 at the bottom of your audience consult our multiple application widgets you can use if you have any technical

0:32 difficulties please click on the yellow help widget here you can find answers to common questions

0:37 a copy of today's slide deck is available for downloading the green resource list widget near the end of today's presentation

0:44 please take one minute's complete to save it as open your feedback is extremely helpful

0:50 an on-demand version of the webcast will be available about one day after the event and can be accessed using the same

0:57 audience link that was sent to you earlier today I'd now like to turn the event over to heavy read and Senior principal analyst

1:03 Sterling Perrin thanks hello and welcome everybody to

1:08 today's webinar sponsored by Juniper Networks a future of network automation for tier 2 tier three service providers

1:15 really an exciting webinar that is the culmination of a large project that we embarked on with

1:22 juniper several months back and uh it was a survey based project actually one of the largest surveys

1:28 we've ever done and we'll do a readout today and I'll be joined in helping me with the presentation and also a great

1:34 help throughout the survey project Kevin Landry is joining me he's senior product marketing manager with Juniper Networks

1:41 hi Kevin um welcome and I will let you give a little bit of an overview of the project

1:47 itself but welcome to today's webinar sure thanks so much Sterling yeah so you

1:53 know who am I I just wanted to mention that and Sterling I were just talking about this I've been in the industry for

1:59 over 20 years and I started my career always in network management and network

2:05 automation so I started as a software designer designing these systems and

2:10 finally went into deployment type of uh for OSS roles and then move myself into

2:17 partnership integration roles and slowly went into marketing where you know I've

2:22 been there since the evolution of network network management towards sdn for the

2:28 when as well as intent based networking towards Network Automation and that's where we are today and I'm excited to

2:35 tell you that I'm uh heading up a new role at Juniper Networks and product marketing focusing specifically on

2:42 targeting our tier two and three CSP audience and that's why I'm involved in

2:47 this survey and let me me just move on to the next slide so what we're doing at

2:53 Juniper is we're actively working with tier two and three service providers so

2:59 we understand the changes that are needed to drive Network automation adoption

3:05 um and make it you know more of a compelling value prop for our tier two

3:10 and three customers so what we did is we took a look at this problem and we

3:17 wanted to confirm that the conversations that we're continuing to have with our customers are indeed representative of

3:24 the whole market in terms of the tier twos and tier threes we wanted to understand their unique challenges and

3:32 to see if any of their pain points were felt more acutely so really when we asked Sterling and heavy reading to do

3:40 this independent survey it was really to confirm a lot of the conversations that

3:45 we had to see if we really understood our customers and those challenges is and how to resolve those with our

3:52 Solutions um so the the survey could be downloaded through the webinar tool and I'd

3:59 encourage you to do that and it consists of you know the results of 217

4:05 respondents and every single one of those respondents was working in the

4:11 ipmpls OR IP integrated Optical transport networks and involved in

4:16 either deploying managing or purchasing a solution for Network automation

4:22 Engineering Management operations or assurance in addition if you want to learn more

4:29 about the Juniper portfolio for Network automation our Paragon automation as a

4:34 service there's a couple of videos as well that we've included in the resource section for you to view

4:41 now if you take a look at the types of outcomes that we've been discussing with

4:46 our customers that we wanted to confirm uh really they rest in three different groups so the first is every you know

4:55 customer every csb wants to be competitive it's crucial to gain competitive advantage to gain market

5:03 share and to create customer value you want to be able to do this uh in a way

5:09 that is fast and that's where automation plays a role so you're able with automation to innovate faster so that

5:16 you could bring those differentiated services to Market faster and by differentiated Services it could be

5:22 something like improving the net promoter score that reduces churn by delighting your customers with a

5:29 superior quality of experience for instance as well it's important from a business

5:36 perspective to be able to contain costs and lower the capex and Opex expenses as

5:42 well as lower the bar in terms of what is needed for expertise so that more can

5:48 actually get actively involved in uh in running the operations and using

5:54 automation secondly in terms of the people to be

5:59 able to be more productive is so important you know how many times do we

6:04 feel like we're doing repetitive tasks again and again in network operations and you almost feel like you're turning

6:09 into a robot well that's where mistakes can happen we can introduce errors when

6:15 you know we're not totally able to focus because we're being pushed to do too much so this is where automation can

6:23 help us do more or do better with less we're able to simplify and speed up those repetitive tasks by making them

6:30 consistent and standardizing the processes to make them repeatable and reliable and with that we reduce the

6:37 human errors and also we're able to scale operations so that as you know

6:42 there's more demand you're not necessarily going to have to increase your Staffing base you're going to also

6:49 be able to have more Junior resources people working on alongside senior

6:55 resources is and lastly I talked about you know the idea of differentiation and a juniper

7:02 our true north is the experience first networking so what we're doing with this

7:08 in terms of automating that is we're giving the ability to not only improve the experience for you as an operator

7:14 but to also improve the experience for end users by increasing up time and

7:20 reliability we're able to offer that you know high quality of experience that's

7:25 differentiated um and we're able to do complex tasks using Technologies like AI that humans

7:32 can possibly do and that's going to be able to allow you to reduce your mean

7:37 time to know and mean time to resolve um and you know do Predictive Analytics

7:43 and that stuff so that you could optimize capacity on demand and make sure that your network is absolutely a

7:49 reliable and Performing as best it can so when you think about these three

7:55 pillars and Sterling is now I'm going to hand it back to him to get into the amazing results that you've seen through

8:03 the survey uh keep in mind these these um

8:08 and we're going to be able to see if this survey actually matches what we had originally thought and with that I'm

8:15 going to uh pass it this morning all right thanks thanks Kevin

8:22 for that introduction so here is the agenda for the next 50 minutes

8:28 um we'll go through the survey data I'll do that taking a look at General automation Trends timelines

8:35 um then getting specifically into Cloud delivered automation then I'll hand things back to Kevin to cover the future

8:41 of network automation for tier two tier 3s um getting into some of Juniper's learnings and recommendations for the

8:49 market I'll wrap up with conclusions and hopefully we'll have about 15 minutes 10 to 15 minutes at the end for your

8:56 questions so the survey itself

9:01 um so I'll present very quickly here the demographics um you'll get the full

9:06 report you'll get the full demographic so the one thing well two things I'll draw your attention to here

9:12 um as Kevin said 217 operators globally is is quite a big

9:17 number um you can see the geographic mix we cover all the regions in pretty good size to get a good sample from from

9:24 everywhere um the other important point is revenue you know you can Define tier two tier

9:30 three lots of different ways we Define it by Revenue so we said under a billion dollars in annual

9:36 revenue is a tier two tier three company over a billion dollars annual revenue we

9:42 excluded from the survey so this is different for most of our surveys in that there's no operators of over a

9:48 billion dollars um of the under a billion you can see the mix here and we're able to parse the data and get some insights by different

9:55 sizes within the tier two tier three Community but to give it a concrete metric we said uh you know by Revenue a

10:02 billion uh also on demographics that the types of providers this is a basically a

10:08 telecom survey so you know cloud is not really represented we didn't want it really in this satellite as well this is

10:15 what what you'd expect from a Telco Market the mix of um of types of operators and then you

10:20 can see the job functions there let me let me get into some of the the data and

10:27 some of the key key findings that that we came across so we asked right right up front uh to what extent do you agree

10:33 with a set of statements um and and we ask them these statements and they could agree on a spectrum what

10:40 I did here is aggregated the combination of strongly agree and somewhat agree which are the two top top options and uh

10:47 looked at what are the most what are the statements that resonated most with the audience 81 percent

10:54 of of csps I believe automation is needed to remain competitive and

11:00 increase customer value that was the strongest statement uh of the mix so quite powerful and endorsement for

11:06 automation 77 percent uh believe automation is needed to cope with an increase in scale of operational

11:13 demand so a big focus on operations I called those two out here but there's also several others resonated quite

11:20 strongly actually you know statistically tied but but in percentage terms one

11:25 percent higher 78 percent uh saying that artificial intelligence for it or or AI

11:31 or and or artificial intelligence is essential for the future of automation so very strong resonance

11:39 um among the audience for using AI tools to improve and help their Automation and

11:45 also a statement which comes through elsewhere in the survey as well as increasing complexity of the network is

11:52 is driving the need for automation uh where are network operators or this

11:58 tier two tier three audience where are they in terms of uh um automation today uh we would say

12:05 they're at a fairly early stage 82 percent of respondents are still

12:10 operating with either a low level of of automation or or no essentially no

12:16 Automation in the network 52 as you can see on the right uh saying they have

12:21 some network uh management tasks that have been semi-automated so bits of Automation in the network 30 percent uh

12:29 which is a fairly large percentage almost a third of the audience are basically manual operations today

12:34 command line interface and other Legacy software tools really kind of manually uh punching things into the network to

12:41 to manage it uh so you know we we expect this to a large degree we thought it

12:46 would be fairly early stage uh one other point I'll make is we do just kind of scanning through the audience we also

12:52 have a number of large operators that tune into these webinars um

12:58 a lot of this data Willa will apply and Kevin will agree will apply to to large operators as well we do find that large

13:04 operators are also at a fairly early stage of network automation as I go through I'll kind of try to point out

13:10 where some of the similarities and differences are between this audience and the in the larger audience or more

13:16 General audience but you know there's a lot of similarities in in the data and also some very specific

13:22 differences where tier two and tier 3s just have unique needs so I'll try to point those out as we come across them

13:28 um primary drivers for Network Automation in this survey improving productivity stood out as the top driver

13:34 for automation 42 selecting that option about the highest on the list of the

13:41 many options they were given other top ones include improving customer experience increasing reliability and uptime

13:48 enhancing innovation a couple points here I would make um

13:54 increasing reliability is very important across our surveys we've seen that not just for automation but we've seen that

13:59 Rising as as an issue for Network operators so it's not a surprise really that they're going to look to automation

14:04 to help with that kind of overarching mandate for their networks going forward what we find in automation generally is

14:11 is there are kind of two two major buckets that come to the top in terms of motivations and it shows up here as well

14:18 you've got the internal or network focused things like improving productivity or improving Network

14:24 reliability and then you have the more external customer Centric types of benefits things like

14:31 um you know getting Services out faster or in this case um uh and ability to to innovate and get

14:39 you know basically get get Innovations out to Market faster so it really covers a broad spectrum

14:44 um and it's not one or the other and it's not kind of one bucket really more than the other it's really across across the board

14:51 in terms of surprises uh from the survey I was surprised a bit by mitigating

14:59 skilled labor shortage resonated less than expected that's down toward the

15:04 bottom of the the list we hear so much about skilled labor shortages

15:10 um and it's actually fairly consistent in in survey so I don't think it's an outlier for automation but it it doesn't it's

15:18 not a driver as as maybe some people would think it factors in and we'll talk in a bit but it's not the primary driver

15:23 the other one that was interesting particularly um in light of what I just talked about with AI Ops aiops itself or AI as a

15:32 driver is not is not a driver for automation

15:37 it is actually not inconsistent uh with with what I just showed a couple slides back though what we're seeing is that

15:43 operators reviewing AI as a tool to achieve goals not as an end itself and I

15:49 think this is quite consistent with that view so operators reviewing AI is a tool it's critical for automation we just

15:55 showed that automation itself is critical to improve productivity and customer experience

16:01 Etc but operators are not going to invest in AI for the sake of AI itself there's a lot of hyper course in AI but

16:06 this is really I think the way the market really needs to look at how these are tools that play into other goals

16:15 um the last one I'll present here before I hand things back to Kevin for a moment is challenges to network automation uh

16:23 type of question we ask a lot in surveys we asked here what are the biggest challenges to achieving your network

16:29 automation strategy and the top two on the list for the tier two tier threes

16:36 are high costs or lack of budget and complexity of integrating

16:41 um of integrating into existing systems these are are quite strong challenges I

16:48 would say also in the greater audience I think much of this would apply to to the tier ones as well

16:53 other specific factors that that come to light I think that are very tier two three specific are are a lot of things

17:01 around Staffing internal resistance to change uh was quite interesting uh to have but also insufficient number of

17:08 staff so lack of staff is preventing them from achieving their automating automation goals as well as lack of

17:15 internal expertise so these are all things related to staff and actually one of the things we did is we segmented the

17:22 data a bit further and looked at what about the tier threes and the smaller tier twos how did they answer

17:28 this question and we Define the smaller tier twos as 200 million dollars in

17:33 annual revenue or less and when we did that the lack of uh staff insufficient

17:40 staff numbers actually Rose to number two on the list only behind lack of budget so the smaller the operators go

17:47 the less budget they have and the less staff they have to achieve what they want to achieve with automation but even

17:55 in sort of resource heavy companies the the um the complexity is always there

18:02 across the board we're finding uh with that let me hand things back to Kevin for a moment to provide some additional

18:07 insights and then we'll we'll move on to the cloud portion yeah thanks uh Sterling so I just wanted to comment

18:14 what's what's exciting about the survey is that really if you look at uh you

18:19 know the the content like what we're taking a look here specifically for tier two and tier three is there's never

18:24 really been a survey in the industry that is focused on this segment so firstly that's really exciting and just

18:32 to comment on a couple of the things that you mentioned as drivers so you did mention the uh you know the whole idea

18:39 of the job labor shortage is not surprisingly not uh ranking high and to

18:45 me I think that might be because strategically you know maybe management doesn't really identify it that is the

18:51 primary or highest primary driver to invest in automation but the people that

18:56 are doing the work actually know that it is a barrier that's blocking the adoption of automation so I'd like to

19:03 highlight that you know when you take a look at some of the findings where you said that there was insufficient number

19:08 of Staff or a lack of expertise and that's significant around 26 percent that's something to think about as well

19:16 you know automation is coming with tons of challenges as we've seen the idea of

19:21 higher costs and complexity and the the ability for automation to be able to

19:27 tackle that challenges I think Paramount but what we're seeing is Eve because of

19:34 these challenges even with successful deployments there's still a lot of

19:40 delays it's taking way too long 68 of csbs think that automation is not

19:46 deployed fast enough and when the automation is successful at being

19:51 deployed a lot of times um you know this is only 40 percent of

19:57 the case because 60 of do-it-yourself automation projects have been seen to

20:02 fail and that's from another third party research that we've done a year ago

20:08 uh something else of interest is that you know we talk about it not being deployed fast enough well in certain

20:15 circumstances for do-it-yourself automation it takes them over three months we're talking about many several

20:22 months of work to be able to get these projects rolled out uh 92 percent of

20:28 respondents actually said that and 51 said that uh the third party automation

20:34 projects that they take on take even longer like double the time six months or longer so you know these are the kind

20:41 of challenges that are really preventing I guess tier twos and tier threes to be

20:47 able to adopt Automation and deploy it and take advantage of this to gain that competitive Advantage speed the

20:53 productivity and everything that we've seen in terms of differentiating the quality of experience so you know with

21:00 that we wonder is there a solution for that and that's what we're here to talk to you about in the rest of the webinar

21:07 a solution that's going to be able to make things faster for you and be able to do things that meet your requirements

21:13 at your pace and with that I'm going to switch over to Sterling and let's cover the next uh chapter because I think

21:20 it'll be very enlightening yeah yeah we'll get into the cloud uh just a couple comments on on your your

21:27 insights here which which of course I agree with uh wholeheartedly um yeah I also found it very interesting

21:34 um the third party automation projects take longer than do it yourself uh so you

21:41 know you think of motivations for for using a third party to speed things up it's that was some motivation doesn't

21:47 seem to be working the other the other point on labor is uh yeah we do these surveys and you get things that seem to

21:54 be contradictory and really what you got to do is spend a lot of time figuring out what's what's going on there it's

21:59 kind of easy to dismiss the data is bad but it tends not to be the case in this case what the data has shown is

22:07 labor shortage is not a driver to automate your network it's not the primary driver but when The Operators

22:13 have made the decision to automate what they're quickly finding out is that they

22:19 don't have enough people so labor is becoming the problem when they make the decision to automate and that that showed through in the survey

22:25 uh on on several levels so yeah I would not dismiss that Labor's not an issue in

22:30 the market it's just where where it's um where it's showing up and here it's operators and even as they get quite far

22:37 down the the path of automation they seem to be finding even more that the complexity and the lack of staff is is a

22:44 problem uh let's let's dive into the cloud here which which was quite one of the really interesting aspects of the

22:50 survey and Juniper was without a doubt one of the early movers and seeing this opportunity so

22:57 um kudos to you guys for doing that we've expanded out quite a bit in the survey based on some of the earlier findings in Cloud

23:03 uh we we asked operators here how interested is your organization adopting at least some automation

23:10 applications delivered from the public cloud and we did specify public Cloud here um to to to highlight that

23:18 um and this was really I would say one of maybe maybe the most surprising find from from the the study 93 of operators

23:27 surveyed are ready to adopt automation via the public cloud meaning if you look at the pie chart

23:34 either six either likely to adopt the 67 or 26 who said There definitely will

23:40 adopt that's the 93 uh really um surprising a huge endorsement

23:45 um I think for the the potential for software as a service for for the tier

23:51 two three uh operator audience we haven't asked this question specifically I think to larger tier ones but so I

23:58 don't have a good comparison but clearly for for this audience um very interested in in public Cloud

24:04 Model not just Cloud but but public so quite strong and um

24:09 there are challenges uh and this is what we expected would weigh in if you think

24:14 about the different challenges that people raise to cloud-based delivery of services

24:20 all of them you know resonated here when we asked them what what would block adoption

24:26 concerns about customer data housed in the public Cloud interesting also though

24:32 that they're also concerned about customer data housed in a private Cloud both of those were on the list network data traversing

24:39 the internet without full encryption so kind of getting into areas of the network where the operator is not in

24:45 control of the data fully encryption would factor in there data sovereignty

24:50 as well um leaving country or region or just areas where the the data is not managed so we would

24:57 expect these things to to weigh in and they did but I go back again to the fact

25:04 that even though operators are fully aware of these issues 93 said they're at

25:10 least likely to adopt public clouds so they're confident I would say that these challenges can be

25:16 addressed um they'll look to suppliers they'll look to their own internal um

25:22 but they are clearly want to move forward in in a way that they're aware of of what's out there right I don't

25:28 think it's a naive response that um 93 say they they want to invest

25:35 different factors that would support moving to um cloud-based automation so we asked

25:43 what are these different factors would support um the use case to adopt Network

25:48 automation tools cloud-based and high availability guarantees versus

25:54 um compared if delivered with higher availability guarantees compared to on-premise 63 so looking to Cloud to

26:02 deliver availability uh reliability essentially in excess of

26:07 what they can do in a in an on-premise solution I already mentioned up earlier that this reliability availability issue

26:14 is really Rising across across the board and surveys so they're seeing Automation and cloud-based specifically could play

26:20 a role there we put some other things in there with very specific metric numbers uh reducing Opex cost by 50 or more

26:28 which is quite a big number 53 saying yeah we would we would uh invest uh for

26:33 that type of benefit total cost of ownership by 25 or more would invest

26:39 um as well as as greater security so lots of reasons would support moves to

26:45 cloud-based automation if if the solutions could could do you know what what stated here on on the slide so

26:52 quite quite strong benefits that they look to achieve

26:57 uh the final bit uh before I hand things over to Kevin to kind of move into the

27:03 the solutions and and um kind of where we go from here based on the data we

27:08 asked about AI a couple questions on on AI clearly it's a hot Trend in the industry and we asked a very specific

27:15 aspect of AI would you consider an AI enabled software as a service solution also trained on other leading networks

27:23 we know that when data is trained more broadly it can have better outcomes more

27:29 accuracy our performance quicker to to come to the right decision there's

27:34 clearly um you know risks to doing that and so we we asked specifically about AI

27:40 trained on other other networks and uh we really found this was a I would call

27:45 it a qualified endorsement 83 saying yes uh it's not a strong a question as as we

27:52 asked about public AI so we we didn't I mean public Cloud we didn't say are you planning to we just said would you

27:58 consider this this is really the first question we've asked along these lines in a survey 83 say they're at least

28:04 willing and open to considering it it doesn't mean they're absolutely committed but they're open to the concept again I'm not showing it on the

28:12 the slide but we asked about you know different challenges to to um

28:18 AI based on and trained on other networks including their own data and uncomfortable levels you know com how

28:25 comfortable they would be doing that um the uh

28:31 you know the percent that said they're against using their data to train other networks was not it resonated it was

28:37 about a third saying that's a concern but it wasn't the top by any means so it's in the mix but it's not a show

28:44 stopper same thing with lack of trust in AI it was at the bottom of the list so operators are not saying they don't

28:49 trust AI they're not saying they're unwilling to put their data into the mix and they're at least open to

28:56 um using AI That's trained on on other networks so quite um you know fairly strong given the

29:02 early stage I think this is an error that that we will certainly investigate more and some strong opportunities not

29:08 just SAS based but also bringing in AI as well with that let me hand things

29:14 back to Kevin to kind of talk through where we go from here

29:20 great thanks Sterling so what we've seen my takeaway from that is that you know

29:25 93 of csps are are saying that they're likely to adopt this or definitely will

29:32 adopt Cloud delivered automation that's really compelling and all those risks

29:37 the issues that they had in terms of cloud are pretty much non-issues because you know the the actual reward outweighs

29:44 the risk and a lot of the tier one Cloud providers like AWS Google Cloud you know

29:50 Microsoft right is there they have a lot of these issues in terms of availability security and so forth taking care of so

29:58 you know I think that as we go forward you know this is really the vision for

30:03 the future of network automation for tier two and tier three is and likely uh

30:08 similarly um AI is going to play a critical role in terms of moving the needle to be able

30:15 to do more with less and being able to do those things that are not humanly possible and giving you that edge for

30:22 competitive advantage and we believe that that technology needs to be delivered as the cloud to take advantage

30:28 of all the training of other leading networks as well so with that let me talk a little bit about the future of

30:35 network automation for tier two and tier 3 service providers this is where I talk about Juniper's vision and what I could

30:42 say is that our vision is here today here and now we have our Cloud delivered

30:50 Network automation offering called Juniper Paragon as a service and it's going to give you that better faster

30:56 simpler way to achieve what we deem as our true north experience first

31:02 networking and we do this through automation that is extremely intuitive your operators

31:09 are going to be able to gain access to a simple user interface that's use case

31:14 based so that they don't have to use a monolithic monolithic system and actually be inundated and overwhelmed

31:21 with all these capabilities and features that they would never use they're able to use exactly the use cases that they

31:28 need to um to achieve the results that they want uh in addition I mentioned the AI

31:34 enabled part so as we streamline the GUI we're also offering that incredible Insight that only artificial

31:40 intelligence could help in terms of you know reducing the number of alarms and all that noise and honing in on urgent

31:47 actions our Paragon automation solution is encapsulating a full breadth of use

31:55 cases our vision is to be able to tackle everything from assurance and

32:01 orchestration to network planning and optimization as well and our system is

32:07 deployed in the cloud and it's based on state-of-the-art intent-based networking

32:13 it's experience driven it's fully Cloud native and it's fully open with apis

32:21 that you could use and also integrated use cases where if you actually purchased multiple use cases you know

32:29 they don't rest in silos you're able to use those cross-functionally in order to

32:34 achieve closed loop Automation and that's all through our software as a service deployment

32:41 let me talk a little bit more about that model we're able to basically allow you

32:47 to innovate faster and take on some of that Financial Risk by allowing you to

32:52 pay as you grow it's a model that works in your favor so the idea is that we're

32:58 able to allow you to pay only for the use cases that you need and we're also

33:04 offering a free starter kit so we're going to bundle this free with our Hardware initially so that you're able

33:11 to just pay for what you're going to use and we're finding that this model is

33:16 very attractive for our customers uh more attractive than you know the Perpetual license model of on-prem

33:23 deployments because it's subscription based now that free offer starter kit

33:29 does come with certain terms and and uh conditions but I encourage you to actually talk to your Juniper

33:35 representative about that um I think in a nutshell Paragon as a

33:41 service delivers all those values that I talked about in terms of delivering you

33:46 know that continuous innovation faster Innovation being able to allow you to

33:52 provide value for your customers being able to give you more productivity being

33:57 able to allow you to differentiate your services through higher quality and you

34:03 know I mentioned it's use case based and I'm going to talk a little bit later on about specific use cases that we've

34:09 deployed that we have in our Cloud instance today I mentioned enabled and

34:15 how that is going to make the difference in terms of reducing the noise in the network and being able to predict things

34:22 before they happen so that you could proactively resolve them it's able for you to

34:28 um you know look at you know the Sea of data and be able to correlate down to just the Urgent actions that need to be

34:35 taken and it also provides you with a way to be more intelligent that you know

34:42 the problems that you prioritize it also Paragon gives you that Easy

34:47 Button as operations you know we have for field Engineers a phone app that

34:52 guides them through device onboarding and it's extremely intuitive and easy to use for an example and I encourage you

34:59 to take a look at the videos that I have uh added through heavy reading in the

35:04 resource panel the first one is on our Cloud delivered Automation and specifically that phone app device

35:11 onboarding use case that's quite compelling and secondly a full demo that I've given at Mobile World Congress on

35:17 all the use cases that we have available today now if you take a look at why Cloud well

35:25 firstly it lowers your cost we found through other third-party research that it yields a 40 percent cost reduction

35:33 because you don't have all the overheads you don't have to buy all the server

35:38 servers and all that Hardware that you would have to procure and put through your it Department all that red tape is

35:46 eliminated because we're taking that problem away from you you we we manage

35:51 and maintain all our servers and all the software licenses you know in our Cloud instance

35:57 so you're able to also gain agility you know you're able to actually lower costs

36:02 by being more agile to be able to not have all that you know continuous uh

36:07 development where you're going to have to validate that features work you know every so many months and stuff because

36:13 every uh week we introduce new upgrades and capabilities and features to your

36:19 existing use cases and that's going to help you lower the cost barrier because you're going to be able to have

36:24 immediate access and secondly we're able to accelerate

36:29 that time to Market we found through this third party research that 50

36:35 reductions in deployment times were seen for cloud delivered automation for the first time you deploy the platform as

36:43 well as 70 faster new use case deployment and that's because it's just

36:48 so simple uh you know you're basically having a subscription and in addition to accelerating time to deployment you know

36:55 it's just incredibly easy we're giving you that easy button so that operators are able to be more productive and

37:01 deliver results faster in the end of the day it's all about unleashing that operational efficiency

37:07 being able to do more with less being able to solve the right problems being

37:13 able to detect issues that humans Miss and reducing that mean time to know so

37:18 that you could diagnose root cause faster and improve and impact a positive

37:24 customer experience so this is in a nutshell what our Paragon automation as a service offering

37:31 has to to deliver to you let me talk a little bit more about

37:36 lowering the risks and AI so we've seen through the survey and I'll reiterate that 93 of csps are ready today to be

37:45 able to actually adopt Cloud delivered Network automation from the public Cloud

37:51 even given the risks that we had outlined um 83 percent would consider an AI

37:57 enabled solution which is trained on other leading networks that's Cloud delivered so we're really you know

38:04 raising the bar in terms of you know mitigating risks and delivering a solution where you could take advantage

38:10 immediately and we're doing so in a way just to remind you of what I said before that's

38:16 pay as you grow so you know you only pay for the use cases that you need you know

38:22 it's bundled for free with our Hardware so you have an easy way to get started and you know it's a cheaper solution

38:28 than the Perpetual on-prem deployments because you're going to only pay for

38:33 what you need to meet your requirements so it lowers your total cost of operations

38:38 now let me talk to you about what's here and now and available today and our initial release of paragon automation as

38:45 a service so there's three use cases that we've delivered and this is just the start uh the first is device

38:51 lifecycle management which includes onboarding and again I encourage you to watch the video in the resource panel

38:57 and that really will deliver devices extremely fast so that you can lower the

39:03 time that it takes to roll out your services with network Observer sorry with network

39:10 observability you're going to gain unprecedented in the sites across devices the network and services and

39:18 with network trust this is a security capability that's going to allow you to gain Integrity confidence in the network

39:25 so that you could ensure that you have integrity and you are compliant

39:31 so I'll tell you a little bit about why each one of these use cases matters now so you know we've talked to our

39:38 customers in the past about device onboarding and they've said to us many times that it's actually quite a

39:44 cumbersome process when they send field technicians out to you know do their jobs on site it takes maybe two to seven

39:52 days per device and these you know people have to be highly trained and

39:58 they use manuals there's a lot of work involved to plan these deployments out and even with that all that work and the

40:06 expertise there's still human errors that happen and they have to work and sometimes debug issues with the network

40:15 operations center and they have to use CLI which is a very manual cumbersome approach approach too that we know is

40:22 notoriously error prone in addition you know there's unsafe practices for security like using USBS

40:29 and you know writing down notes that are of IP addresses and stuff like that maybe on Post-it notes or you know it's

40:37 just not a very um I guess um you know secure process when we're

40:43 doing these type of activities and lastly you know we have features that automate such as ztp you know zero

40:51 touch provisioning but the problem is that it stops there it doesn't actually you know validate that the service uh is

40:58 working the way that was intended and that leads to more truck rolls so with

41:03 paragona as a service what we're doing is we found that we're reducing that

41:09 device deployment time down from those days to 10 to 30 minutes per device it's

41:16 a dramatic savings uh in addition everything is self-guided there's no need for training because it's

41:22 completely intuitive you have an application on your phone that is you know accessed in the cloud that's

41:29 completely in sync with what the network Operation Center sees in their Paragon desktop instance so everything's

41:36 coordinated you're able to basically get a self-guided way of which cables to plug in where and after everything is

41:43 done and everything's validated then you're safe to know that no you don't have to return the site because

41:49 everything's been tested it's fully automated there's no errors you know it's safe because you don't have to use

41:54 USBS so you know it is the way that we think that you know device onboarding

42:01 needs to be reimagined so the next use case that I wanted to talk to you about is network monitoring

42:08 so in the past I had mentioned this before operators are overwhelmed by a

42:13 sea of networking data events alarms and it's overwhelming a lot of these systems

42:18 that we've used in the past have you know thousands of critical alarms and bigger organizations and major alarms

42:25 how do you know you know what is truly the Urgent action to be taken you really don't and it takes long to figure that

42:31 out um you know and it's focused mainly on devices and not services in the network

42:37 and many times it's just information overload and when you do fix things you you know it rests upon scripts and

42:44 do-it-yourself techniques for monitoring which you really need to be trained for you have to have a high skill level to

42:50 do and even with this there's still a lot of issues that are being missed so where we think with Paragon as a

42:58 service you know we're going to change the model to have a brighter future uh for automation is by offering Network

43:04 observability and not only Network observability for devices but for the network and services as well it's going

43:12 to allow you to synthesize all that data and focus on the Urgent actions that you

43:18 need to take so instead of thousands of critical alarms you're going to know exactly the Few alarms that you're going

43:24 to need to uh to investigate further in addition we're reducing a lot of the noise through that Ai and the analytics

43:31 we're able to also predict things that might be happening proactively so that you could address capacity concerns and

43:38 and issues of misconfigurations ahead of time um and all of this is designed in such a

43:45 way that it you know even the most Junior Knox staff could be able to

43:50 participate because a low level of skill is required so in this model you know

43:56 we're going to make sure that you don't miss those issues that you know it took so long to to uh to investigate before

44:03 because you know we're giving you immediate insights uh into the problem so that you could address things quickly

44:09 and even proactively and lastly I wanted to talk a little bit

44:14 about network security and it's a big problem in the industry in terms of uh

44:20 especially as we move to Data Center interconnect and and so forth security is an issue we want to make sure that

44:27 our devices are not vulnerable to DDOS attacks and we want to make sure that they're compliant you know a lot of

44:34 times uh there's devices out there that we don't know that we could trust how do you know if you could trust it it could

44:40 be tampered with before it arrives on site there's been cases where there's been fake devices or fake components

44:47 sometimes the device might be shipped with the wrong firmware that is going to introduce vulnerabilities sometimes the

44:55 hardware is end of life or the software's end of life and that could introduce vulnerabilities as well so

45:02 it's really important to be able to actually get more compliant in order to prevent you know these uh these

45:08 malicious attacks from these you know suspect entities so that's why in Paragon as a service we

45:15 have fully integrated into all our use cases this network trust and compliance

45:21 use case and the first thing we we've created as part of our Hardware our Juno ask Evo is to introduce zero trust

45:29 security um as part of our TPM 2.0 chip and that chip cryptographically is signed and is

45:37 able to validate that this the hardware that you have is actually indeed genuine

45:43 Juniper Hardware in addition you know through Paragon as a service you're able to do secures ETP as well as you

45:51 understand your hardware and software to make sure that it is the right load you're able to know that it's not end of

45:58 life and confirm trust and we do this compliance checking on a on a continual

46:03 basis and we're benchmarking against you know industry standards such as the um

46:09 uh sorry the center for Internet Security uh and all in all this measures the

46:16 trust continuously and allows you to see the trend if it's improving so that also

46:21 you can gain recommendations on how to improve this trust and we don't stop at just ztp we're able to actually extend

46:28 that to be able to validate not only the integrity and Trust of your network but

46:34 also that it performs to what you had expected and with that those are the three use

46:39 cases that uh We've delivered so far and we have way more to come including

46:45 active Assurance intense based service provisioning and more so I encourage you

46:50 to take a look at our demos that we have in the resource panel it'll give you even more detail and a walk through

46:57 through the GUI so you can see exactly this product in action right from the cloud

47:02 and with that I'll pass it back to Sterling Perrin to talk a little bit about our concluding remarks

47:08 yes let's uh let me wrap up I'll wrap up quick we get a lot of questions in which is great

47:14 um and I don't want to lose out on those we'll get to as many as we can but yeah quick quick summary here

47:21 um just to summarize the the highlights from from the study tier two three operators as we've shown

47:28 are at an early stage of automation but I think the data shows that the interest level is is quite High uh driven by a

47:36 number of things when we look at the challenge it's it's the high costs for the tier two tier threes it's the high

47:42 costs of implementation as well as the complexity of integration remaining the top challenge not surprisingly we've got

47:49 at least two questions came in around integration so we'll get to those in a second

47:55 um staffing issues are are front and center not as a driver for automation but when you make a decision to automate

48:01 how to move forward staff quickly becomes an issue among the smaller operators as well as budgets so that

48:09 those tend to be quite strong we did show there's a lot of interest tremendous interest actually in public

48:15 cloud-based uh automation as an option and as Kevin outline can address a

48:21 number of issues that tier two three operators are are running into so a lot

48:26 of opportunity there and then as we touched on AI um and specifically AI trained on other

48:33 networks is a emerging opportunity that we certainly wouldn't discount at this

48:39 stage as The Operators are showing they certainly want to learn more about what what can be done there with that let me

48:45 jump right into the questions um if we don't get to all of them and I

48:50 don't think we will Juniper will be able to follow up one-on-one individual ghost show the list of the questions

48:56 or some of them are quite product specific so they'll I'm sure want to get in touch Uh Kevin the first one uh and a

49:03 question that I also have myself so we talk about public Cloud delivery of

49:09 of automation of applications uh somebody is asking about providing the

49:16 same solution for customers that want to deploy in their own private cloud and so

49:21 actually and I would add to that you know you have public Cloud you have private cloud and then you have traditional can you just kind of talk

49:27 through how the automation applications will cut across those three three major

49:33 options yeah definitely so would Juniper is developing with her Paragon automation

49:39 um so it's based on a common source for both our Cloud delivered and SAS options

49:45 and before that we also have uh on-prem applications that continue to be you

49:51 know um used in the field and that we're selling today so that's not going away

49:56 but where we're moving to where the future is is you know the cloud so what

50:02 we're doing is we're going to have that SAS Cloud delivered option as well as an on-prem self-hosted option where they're

50:09 going to have their own private cloud and um you know although the on-prem solution might differ for commercial

50:16 reasons we're trying to keep those in sync yeah and another thing I could say is

50:22 that uh you know in both cases they're fully the intention is to support multi-vendor networks not just Juniper

50:30 um and for Paragon you know it's just like the the applications we've had before that were multi-vendor right

50:36 we're continuing to do that we've just started with the Juniper Cloud Metro and we're going to be expanding to you know

50:42 other parts of the network as well um and you know we're gonna offer that

50:48 irrespective of whether it's delivered as the SAS option or the on Prem deployment option

50:55 yeah okay excellent uh yeah we're still getting questions in uh let me get right

51:02 to one of them uh it's a short question but it definitely gets into the the challenges

51:07 of integration so I wanted to at least start the discussion here uh somebody's asking specifically how do I integrate

51:13 my existing BSS system with your service

51:18 um and if you want to talk more broadly about integration that's fine but this is specific to living today yeah definitely I mean for

51:25 any BSS or OSS system we have a Northbound interface that's fully open

51:32 so it really is you know the traditional model uh even with on-prem we're able to

51:37 point to that and we know we have a full like uh Postman collection you're able

51:42 to actually issue you know like rest restful requests down uh and you're able

51:48 to basically get notifications it's exactly the same mechanisms that you know are standard in the industry today

51:54 you're going to be able to use those uh so you know it's not really

51:59 um something that is going to be outside of the norm for what you do today

52:04 okay let me kind of combine two because they get at uh kind of also around integration but

52:11 uh so a question one question is will Juniper provide

52:16 the same oh no that's the wrong one uh yeah here it is Will Juniper support

52:22 multi-vendor equipment for the SAS solution and then combined with that

52:28 somebody made some comments which might kind of inform the discussion here given the findings

52:34 that integration costs are one of the most significant barriers do you think the market is always going to lean

52:39 towards pre-integrated viewer slash single vendor solution so I'm just curious you talked about a multi-vendor

52:47 but how do you see multi-bender and do you see you know some of these challenges pushing to single vendor and

52:55 you know we've noticed uh specifically in tier two and three is that there's a

53:00 lot of homogenistic networks where they do go with single vendor a lot more scenarios than uh whereas that's the

53:08 case than in um tier ones where they kind of have a dual vendor approach uh but I do see

53:14 that multi-vendor you know we've seen it even in some of the largest networks where Paragon automation the

53:20 applications have been chosen to manage you know Cisco and Nokia and and other

53:26 vendors right so it's not uh you know um outside of the realm of possibilities

53:32 that you know this is the way that a lot of the big providers are going today to go with one single vendor for a solution

53:39 for automation that can manage multi-vendor now of course there's always going to be some kind of like

53:44 intricate type of you know configurations and things that uh every

53:50 vendor does and that's where really the intent based uh you know device modeling you need something that's model based to

53:57 be able to describe all the Yang models for that and so forth so you know these

54:02 you know single vendor systems are still able to work with multiple vendors and

54:07 where they can't do it for for instance for optical you know there's not a lot of standard standardization in terms of

54:13 uh you know the interfaces for that in terms of Yang and like you know these

54:18 kind of approaches so what we could do there is actually integrate with other

54:23 systems and that totally makes sense it continues to make sense going forward

54:30 yeah good point on some of the difference between the tier twos smaller versus the larger um the smaller are

54:37 just generally historically more implying to go single vendor but that's kind of as a

54:43 I don't know a lowest common denominator or just is it as just it's the only way for them to go forward I think as

54:49 networks become more open and we talk about other open apis it doesn't they're single better because they have to I

54:57 think they would much prefer to be open they just don't have the resources to do it it's that and it's also if you take a

55:02 look at you know the findings from the survey a lot of operators haven't actually adopted automation we saw that

55:09 massive statistic there around 50 right that are still using you know the kind

55:14 of uh you know semi-automated approach and like 30 something percent or manual so you know if they're just using CLI

55:22 it's a little bit different but when they do evolve the automation it totally makes sense to have you know a single

55:27 vendor platform that basically is offering multi-vendor for for all so that you can converge and have

55:33 consistency I would say yep yep absolutely um a question for me

55:40 um I'll take this one um and this related to the AI and uh

55:46 data trained on on other networks data points I showed early on somebody asked

55:53 um do you find operators are able to no that's the wrong one these things keep moving uh would would your audience also

56:01 contribute their data to this collective training um we did ask that I didn't show it but

56:08 we asked about the challenges on on the next um question after that one in the survey

56:13 and 60 well 35 said they were not willing to use their own data which

56:20 means that 65 percent were open to the idea of using their own data to train

56:25 other networks knowing that they're benefiting from the collective use of data from others so yeah there is a

56:32 majority uh in fact about two-thirds saying that they're willing to do that even though

56:38 um it could be a concern for sure um we might have term for just one or

56:44 two left um which one do I want to grab

56:51 um yeah this one is specific to Paragon automation uh there's actually quite a

56:56 few product specific ones maybe we'll close out on this one um is is the Paragon automation

57:02 requiring additional Professional Services customization or

57:07 is it ready to go out of the box that that's a good question you know how much customization is needed when you're

57:12 doing these cloud-based yeah I mean uh you know it's an interesting question

57:18 because in the past with on-deprem deployments we found that there was you know professional Activity The

57:23 Professional Services activities that were needed more so but with the cloud

57:28 instance we've designed things in a totally different model that's total you know it's we take away all the problems

57:34 in terms of you know you don't need to deploy uh servers you don't need to install you don't need to upgrade right

57:41 so I would say that for the most part all that deployment Professional Services is eliminated and then secondly

57:49 because it's so intuitive and you know cross-functionally end-to-end in terms of use cases I would say that you don't

57:56 really need a lot of education so where Professional Services comes in and offers you know Consulting and tutoring

58:03 to try to like onboard people into the system I I think that it really alleviates the need for all that expert

58:09 training as well where I do see Professional Services playing a role is

58:15 more on the integration front so definitely you know if you're going to be using rest apis and doing development

58:20 a lot of tier twos and threes don't have um uh organizations in their company

58:26 that are specifically for development they might want to go with a third party and so forth we could take that problem

58:32 from you and you could hire Juniper Professional Services to do that kind of activity as well

58:38 sorry I hope that answers the question good stuff I think it did Let's uh we're

58:43 at the top of the hour so we'll close out here um there are more questions uh Juniper I'm sure I'll be happy to get

58:49 back to everybody individually and address those I do want to thank everybody for tuning in today thanks for

58:56 your great questions and of course thanks Kevin uh for your participation in this webinar and help throughout this

59:02 project that I definitely agree this was some interesting data I'm glad we did it thanks a lot thanks so much Sterling

59:09 thanks for having us sure and thank you everyone for attending and I just want to remind

59:14 everyone to check out the links for the paper download that read it and also check out the videos there's a really

59:20 great demo where you could get a you know walk through of the GUI I think it's going to be very revealing

59:26 all right that will close it out thanks everybody have a great day thank you

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