Bob Laliberte, Principal Analyst, theCUBE Research

Extending AI to Enterprise Routing

AI & MLNetwork Automation
Bob Laliberte Headshot

Extending AI to Enterprise Routing

Extending AI to Enterprise Routing with Bob Friday & Kanika Atri | Juniper Networks

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You’ll learn

  • Why Juniper is extending its AI Native platform to enterprise routing

  • How organizations can benefits from Juniper AIOPs in the WAN

  • A glimpse at Juniper’s long-term AI strategy 

Who is this for?

Network Professionals


Bob Laliberte Headshot
Bob Laliberte
Principal Analyst, theCUBE Research

Guest speakers

Bob Friday Headshot
Bob Friday
Chief AI Officer, Juniper Networks
Kanika Atri headshot
Kanika Atri
Head of WAN Automation Portfolio, Juniper Networks


0:06 hello and welcome to extending AI to

0:09 Enterprise routing I'm Bob La liberte

0:11 principal analyst with the cube research

0:14 and today I'm joined by some special

0:15 guests Bob Friday the chief AI officer

0:17 in CTO Enterprise of Juniper Networks

0:20 and Kena Atri the senior director

0:22 product management also of Juniper

0:25 Networks and we're here to discuss the

0:27 latest announcements uh around Juniper's

0:29 introduction of native AI onto Edge

0:32 routers and that would include both

0:34 uniper missed routing assurance and

0:36 Marvis for routing so welcome Bob and

0:39 Kena thank you for having us happy to be

0:42 here Bob thank you yeah absolutely well

0:45 let's get started you know when I think

0:47 about Juniper Networks you know really

0:48 from its Inception decades ago it's

0:50 really been instrumental in driving

0:52 innovation in the routing market and you

0:54 know when we think about Innovation

0:56 today that really means AI technology

0:58 and certainly we follow Juniper for a

1:00 long time and you've been pioneering the

1:02 use of AI Ops through the in the network

1:04 space and in fact I think it was just a

1:07 few months ago You released the AI

1:08 native networking platform which

1:11 delivers both extensibility and value

1:13 across the entire network so you know

1:17 when I when I think about why that's

1:19 needed and what's going on from an

1:21 analyst perspective you know I really

1:22 start thinking about the changes that

1:24 have occurred in the modern it and

1:26 application environments and that being

1:28 you know they've become highly dynamic

1:30 and also highly distributed right

1:32 applications are deployed across

1:33 multiple data centers multiple public

1:35 clouds and numerous Edge locations and

1:39 the unfortunate part of this is it means

1:41 the environment has become far more

1:42 complex it also means that the network

1:45 plays a much more significant role

1:47 especially across those wide area

1:49 networks right and making sure that

1:51 these distributed environments are able

1:53 to have a positive experience and

1:55 they're able to enable the business but

1:58 before we jump into a full-on AI

2:01 discussion I thought it would be good if

2:03 we could provide some context for the

2:05 audience and I believe it was just a few

2:07 years ago that Juniper Networks

2:09 announced its client to Cloud Vision um

2:12 and it really focused on providing great

2:14 experiences to end users so I'm

2:17 wondering if you could share maybe you

2:20 know the vision behind that approach and

2:22 how Juniper brings that Vision to life

2:25 yeah you know Bob let me jump in here

2:27 you know for me personally you know the

2:29 cloud AI ADV Venture started when I was

2:31 really at Cisco you know I was talking

2:33 to a bunch of large retail customers you

2:36 know and what they told me when I was

2:37 back then they said hey Bob if if we're

2:39 going to put like a connected mobile

2:41 experience onto this network you know a

2:44 business critical app they're like you

2:46 got to promise me that your controllers

2:47 are not going to crash you got to make

2:49 sure you can deliver code more than once

2:52 or twice a year and more importantly

2:54 you've got to guarantee that there's

2:56 going to be a great mobile experience

2:57 when we connect to that Network you know

3:00 and that is when I realized there was a

3:01 fundamental Paradigm Shift right where

3:04 we were going yes we have to keep AP

3:06 switches and routers got to keep

3:07 everything up and running in green but

3:09 what was more important was we had to

3:11 make sure that that user is going to

3:13 have a great experience and that's when

3:15 I realize that we're really going into a

3:17 day two real-time operation mode in

3:20 addition to day zero day one we really

3:22 had to make sure that day2 experience

3:24 was going to be great you know and

3:26 that's when suj and I decided to leave

3:27 Cisco because we decided that this is

3:30 really going to be an architectural

3:31 change in the industry you know this

3:34 really required a blank sheet of paper

3:36 where we could start from scratch and

3:37 building a new microservices Cloud

3:40 architecture on which we could do

3:41 real-time data processing you know and

3:44 that is why we started with the access

3:46 point because we were trying to answer

3:48 the question of why is that user having

3:50 a poor internet experience and it turns

3:53 out that the access point or the edge of

3:55 the network has a lot of the data you

3:57 need to answer that question and the

3:59 reason we built an access point wasn't

4:01 because we thought the industry needed

4:03 another one it was really around making

4:05 sure we get the data to answering that

4:07 question you know and since join Juniper

4:09 in 2019 what you've seen us do we

4:12 basically have extended that cloud AI

4:14 Ops coverage across the Enterprise

4:17 portfolio right going from the AP to the

4:20 switch to the router you know what we're

4:22 talking about here today is extending

4:23 that across the WAN router inside the

4:25 Enterprise these are these large uh

4:28 routers we see in the Enterprise so that

4:30 is really where the vision started you

4:32 know I think the other inspiration was I

4:34 tell people you remember Watson playing

4:36 Jeopardy I figured hey guys if they can

4:38 play Jeopardy we should be able to play

4:40 networking so that's how the vision got

4:42 started you know since join Juniper

4:44 we're basically just a continuing that

4:46 adventure and extending that cloud AI

4:48 Ops across the complete Enterprise

4:51 portfolio and now extending across SP

4:53 and data center

4:55 domains excellent yeah that makes that

4:57 makes a lot of sense and Kena I wonder

5:00 if you could maybe talk to us a little

5:01 bit about the announcement that you have

5:03 today obviously we're extending those AI

5:06 C capabilities into Enterprise routing

5:08 so maybe you could give us a little of

5:09 the details about what you're bringing

5:11 out absolutely Bob it's a great uh

5:14 momentous occasion for us to launch

5:16 missed routing assurance and this is a

5:19 classic story of 1 + 1 equal to 11 we're

5:22 already number one uh in terms of

5:25 innovation leadership in the routing

5:26 space uh with very very loved platforms

5:30 like the MX like the PDX serving up the

5:33 edge um and then we're already number

5:35 one in the AI op space with mist you

5:38 know Trail blazing in every imaginable

5:41 gner magic quadrant that there is what

5:44 happens when you bring them together

5:46 magic right so that's what we are

5:48 launching today is missed Enterprise

5:51 routing Assurance which is targeted for

5:53 our Enterprise customers uh who are

5:56 buying a lot of the routing uh layer

5:58 from us serving in different use cases

6:00 whether it's the private one Edge

6:03 whether it's the edge of the data center

6:05 whether it's their Cloud connect or

6:07 appearing in all those roles now these

6:11 customers can hook up their mxs acxs

6:14 ptxs all are Juniper routing gear right

6:17 onto the Mist infrastructure and benefit

6:19 from

6:21 that yeah absolutely I think you know

6:23 extending support to that routing space

6:25 to the W it really seems like a natural

6:27 evolution of where you're going and the

6:30 vision of what you want to do and being

6:31 able to I think as Ramy likes to say you

6:34 know just adds to that flywheel effect

6:35 of value the more domains you can bring

6:37 in the more context you can provide the

6:39 more value it delivers to

6:42 organizations um I'm wondering um you

6:45 know how how will Wan data complement

6:49 now saying that how will that complement

6:51 your endtoend AI op strategy Bob yeah

6:54 you know so you look at a great example

6:56 of what we announced last week so last

6:58 new week we announced something called

6:59 continuous learning for zoom and teams

7:02 you know and similar to you look how

7:04 open AI took trillions of words to train

7:07 chat GPT to predict the next word you

7:10 know what we're doing with our deep

7:11 learning here we're taking billions of

7:14 video collaboration data points and

7:16 training these deep learning models now

7:18 to predict the actual user experience on

7:21 video collaboration zoom and teams you

7:23 know and we're combining that Zoom teams

7:25 data with network features right so the

7:28 more Network features we get into the

7:30 model the better we can get to the

7:32 granular root cause so what the WAN

7:34 network brings is really a visibility

7:36 into the the WAN component you know when

7:39 you look at that client to Cloud

7:41 experience there's a couple of key

7:43 components here right we have that

7:44 client side the wireless link the land

7:48 and that Wan provider is the other area

7:50 that can cause pain to our customers so

7:52 what the WAN is bringing to us now is

7:54 visibility into that W connection so we

7:56 can really make better predictions on a

7:58 user experience in get to the root cause

8:00 of exactly why they're having a poor

8:02 user

8:03 experience yeah I think that makes a lot

8:05 of sense and if I can don't mind the pun

8:06 you're demistifying what's happening in

8:09 that in that W environment and being

8:12 able to provide context for users

8:13 especially when they're using I I think

8:15 you know you can honestly say zoom and

8:16 those other video collaboration tools

8:18 are mission critical and these days when

8:20 people are working in a hybrid mode and

8:21 working remote they need to be up they

8:23 need to be delivering a positive

8:24 experience so I think all that makes a

8:26 lot of sense Nique I want to go back to

8:29 you you know why are you doing this now

8:33 what are some of the trends that you're

8:34 seeing in this Wan Edge space that

8:37 really require Enterprise routing

8:39 architectures to be

8:41 changed absolutely so uh if we focus on

8:45 this particular uh customer segment uh

8:48 representing the

8:50 Enterprises they number one they

8:53 themselves are going through uh their

8:54 own digitization Journey that started

8:57 almost you know a decade ago and now we

9:00 see that you know even doubling down on

9:02 it especially accelerated by this AI era

9:06 around us where the Enterprises want to

9:08 consume more and more AI applications so

9:11 on one hand you know this with this

9:13 Enterprise digitization the van Network

9:17 their van Edge becomes even more

9:20 important and it needs to be very high

9:23 performance right so that's part one

9:26 second um the Enterprise they are not in

9:30 the business of selling networks for

9:32 them the network is an enabler helping

9:35 them sell what they do right whether

9:37 it's a retail whether it's a healthc

9:39 care whether it's a education vertical

9:42 they're not in the business of making

9:43 money using networks so what they really

9:45 want is a network that just

9:48 works and it's even more important

9:52 because there is a talent shortage right

9:55 uh in order to run complex ipms based

9:58 networks uh there is a talent shortage

10:00 right so to do that they really are

10:04 heavily relying on automation to help

10:07 them uh basically not have to even worry

10:10 about the network right uh load it shut

10:13 it forget it and then it takes care of

10:15 itself right and that is where AI Ops

10:18 and automation really help them in their

10:21 journey and the third thing from an

10:23 Enterprise perspective right the

10:26 sustainability goals have become uh have

10:28 come on the Forefront now not only is it

10:31 about meeting ESG mandates but even in

10:34 terms of the whole uh network operations

10:37 and the total cost of running their

10:39 entire infrastructure they need to start

10:42 thinking about optimizing that power

10:45 that space that longevity and the whole

10:47 TCO related to

10:49 sustainability uh and in doing so you

10:52 know uh Juniper is actually working on

10:55 all these three missions of performance

10:57 automation sustainability to help

11:00 reimagine that W Edge

11:04 architecture yeah I think that makes a

11:06 lot of sense you know a lot of those

11:07 challenges you brought up we see as well

11:09 that you know difficulty finding skilled

11:11 resources um that ability to overcome

11:14 the complexity and so those are a lot of

11:16 the things that AI Ops is specifically

11:18 designed to help with so to be able to

11:21 have the same number of resources be

11:23 able to manage a much larger and much

11:25 more complex

11:27 environment um and it's also great the

11:30 fact the other thing I like up from my

11:31 product management days I always had

11:33 something I referred to is that

11:34 principle of least astonishment so as

11:36 you continue your flywheel effect and as

11:38 you extend your AI tools and your um

11:42 Marvis assistant across all of those it

11:44 becomes that principle of least

11:45 astonishment if you have to work in

11:47 different domains you're going to be

11:48 extremely comfortable and familiar with

11:50 the network management tools and the

11:51 assistance that are available to help

11:53 you do

11:54 that um one of the other things I wanted

11:57 to drill down into a little bit you know

11:58 some same lines of looking at the trends

12:00 and what's happening do you see any

12:03 specific organizations that will benefit

12:05 most from having this AI Ops in the WAN

12:08 or is it Universal across all of them

12:11 yeah I mean I think what we're seeing in

12:12 the Enterprise space right now is that

12:14 our large campus customers right you

12:16 know when you look at higher ed

12:18 Healthcare large financial institutions

12:21 all these institutions have large Wan

12:24 routers complex back call systems in

12:26 them you know if you look what's

12:28 happening in inside these big

12:29 organizations right all those

12:31 applications that used to run in the

12:33 data sign all those applications have

12:35 moved out to the cloud what this is

12:37 requiring is very complex R landan

12:39 routing U pipes or underlays overlays

12:42 and getting traffic between data centers

12:45 between campuses so big large Enterprise

12:48 campuses are biding from this I've

12:49 talked to one Enterprise uh customer you

12:52 know and what he just wanted to do is he

12:54 wanted to make sure that he was getting

12:55 the data from those W routers back to

12:57 the cloud you know so before you even

13:00 get to AI half the value is getting the

13:03 data you need back to the cloud for

13:05 visibility and observability and that by

13:08 itself brings value once you get that

13:09 data exposed to a larger group I would

13:12 say the other class of customers we're

13:13 seeing that see value in this is

13:15 probably our tier 2 service providers

13:18 msps which to some extent look like

13:20 large Enterprises you know and what

13:22 they're really looking for is turn

13:24 reduction right they're looking at user

13:26 experiences that making sure there's no

13:28 turn reduction so I think we see our

13:30 large Enterprise campus customers seeing

13:33 value and bringing the WAN data back to

13:35 their team zoom models and then on the

13:38 MSP service Rider side we're seeing our

13:40 tier two seeing value and helping them

13:42 deliver better user experiences and

13:44 reducing turn in their

13:46 business excellent no that that makes a

13:49 lot of sense and so for all those

13:51 industries that are looking to to get

13:53 these

13:54 capabilities I was wondering if you

13:56 could tell us a little bit more about

13:58 the specific capabilities that will be

14:01 offered through mist and are available

14:02 to the customers at the launch today so

14:05 capabilities which products it will

14:06 cover Etc sure uh so we're launching

14:10 with uh support for our largest uh

14:13 hottest sellers like MX 204

14:16 mx34 and the access routers in the ACX

14:20 family like ACX

14:22 7024 um all of these uh will now uh

14:26 customers can use them on this very

14:28 familiar mist Qi what the use case that

14:31 we will be supporting primarily is

14:33 around the observability and insights

14:35 like uh you know Bob already mentioned

14:38 uh from here we're going to take it uh

14:40 towards delivering service experience

14:43 level metrics and really being able to

14:45 pinpoint you know um where the customer

14:48 experience is breaking and why it is

14:50 breaking and from there of course you

14:52 know we're going to leverage all the

14:54 power uh of Marvis AI Ops to solve W

14:57 routing problems for for these

15:00 Enterprises got it and and how do you

15:03 expect some of these early deployments

15:05 what type of benefits do you expect

15:07 those organizations to achieve by

15:08 deploying this have you spoken to any of

15:10 your early adopters and and what they're

15:12 seeing absolutely great question so let

15:15 me actually step back and break it down

15:17 uh from sort of where AI starts making

15:20 sense in the WAN network right the very

15:23 first step is to be able to spot

15:25 anomalies right uh AI models will be

15:28 able to tell for example oh there is a

15:30 service degradation somewhere right and

15:33 then step two is you start correlating

15:36 and now ai tells you I correlated it and

15:39 I actually saw service degration not

15:41 just you know where you saw the alarm

15:42 but I saw it in four other places it's

15:44 affecting 20 customers and by the way

15:48 after correlation turns out that this is

15:50 related to a particular link uh that is

15:53 you know servicing then AI comes in and

15:57 does a Diagnostics again some models and

15:59 turns out well there was some software

16:01 upgrade that happened and the

16:03 configuration was changed and that's the

16:05 root cause for this service degradation

16:08 and then the last part is the actions

16:10 where it would recommend in this

16:12 scenario fix the config and here is the

16:14 few lines of code that you need to push

16:17 would you like me to do it or do you

16:19 want to do a human assisted action here

16:21 right so when you look at the whole end

16:23 to end life cycle of where AI plays a

16:26 role it's really about day two

16:27 operations help helping customers spot

16:31 problems much faster so reducing that

16:33 meantime to

16:35 know helping customers diagnose and find

16:39 the accurate root root cause much faster

16:42 and much higher degree of accuracy and

16:45 then actually taking actions to close

16:47 the loop and fix the problem and do it

16:49 in much faster than humans much

16:51 accurately and over the course of time

16:53 learn what what those problems are and

16:56 actually you know make this whole

16:59 seamless towards a self-driving Network

17:01 so that's what the benefits we are

17:03 hoping to deliver to our Enterprise

17:05 customers uh uh through the Miss

17:08 platform yeah I think that's great and

17:10 one of the things you mentioned I just

17:11 want to touch upon for everyone who's

17:13 watching the closed loop system that you

17:15 have enabled in your solution I think is

17:18 a great way to make sure that humans are

17:21 an integral part of the AI and

17:23 essentially as you're going through and

17:25 doing this right it gives you the

17:26 ability to say yes this was right no it

17:28 wasn't provid feedback be able to

17:30 improve the solution be able to leverage

17:32 the knowledge that you have of your

17:33 individual Network to provide feedback

17:35 back to Juniper so it's constantly

17:37 improving so that's just a little

17:39 takeaway that I've I've learned from

17:40 working with you over the time and I

17:42 think it's an important part for helping

17:43 to adopt AI in in a faster time frame so

17:48 that's wanted to switch gears a little

17:50 bit earlier we were talking about that

17:52 sustainability aspect and I've been to a

17:55 lot of shows this this spring clearly AI

17:58 comes up and when I say AI referring to

18:00 those gen AI environments right those

18:02 large language models and the one thing

18:03 that's really clear is it's going to

18:05 consume a ton of power and so you've

18:08 talked about what you can do so clearly

18:10 organizations you know there a lot of

18:12 these data center environments looking

18:13 at are we going to be limited by the

18:15 power we have so every little bit of

18:17 power that can be saved is going to be

18:18 important I wonder if you could focus a

18:20 little bit on how your helping those

18:23 organizations to free up power in their

18:26 data centers in your Edge router

18:28 environment absolutely I would say this

18:30 is one of the most important missions

18:32 where we are investing and byy

18:34 intentionally designing our products to

18:36 meet sustainability goals um let me

18:39 break it up into few Dimensions at the

18:42 very core of it you know the way we

18:44 design the Silicon uh itself it means uh

18:47 with every new generation we can make it

18:49 much much more power efficient for

18:51 example our latest silicon uh is 77% uh

18:55 better uh lower power consumption around

18:58 65 % you know lower space required as

19:01 you build modular or fixed platforms

19:04 around it right um so the Silicon has a

19:06 big role to play second part is the

19:08 design itself that's where the uh

19:11 platform and the form factor and the

19:14 footprint all of these can contribute

19:16 you know to again the total cost uh

19:18 savings and the overall energy

19:20 consumption the other part is designing

19:24 platforms for the long run we call this

19:26 longevity you don't want to be investing

19:28 in platforms that you have to rep

19:30 replace every six years or five years

19:32 right so at Juniper we are very proud

19:34 even of our uh long-standing MX platform

19:37 that is in some networks been there for

19:39 15 plus years um so you know for us

19:42 really building that two times the cost

19:45 Savings in terms of sustainable power

19:47 efficiency space efficiency and two

19:50 times the life cycle and then the third

19:53 dimension is at in the operation stage

19:56 right how automation can help deliver

19:58 these sustainability goals so there our

20:00 thought processes you know not only can

20:02 we help identify where the network not

20:05 being used for example some links at

20:07 night are not getting enough uh capacity

20:10 can we turn them down dynamically bring

20:12 them up uh back up in the morning um

20:16 similarly can we Route traffic to a more

20:19 cost efficient path so these are all

20:21 some uh Innovative angles that we are

20:24 approaching sustainability with both

20:26 starting from the core of the Silicon to

20:28 to the system design to the whole

20:30 operation uh planed with

20:33 automation excellent that's great I

20:36 really I it's it's really going to be

20:37 important moving forward that

20:39 organizations continue to strive to

20:40 drive that sustainability and reduce

20:42 their power consumption and look for

20:43 ways to drive additional efficiencies

20:45 clearly you're taking a lot of steps to

20:47 get organizations and help them get

20:49 there so as we think about wrapping up

20:52 here um let's talk a little bit more

20:55 about the long-term evolution of mist

20:57 and how Jun uner AI will really help

21:00 deliver that self-driving network from

21:02 an endtoend perspective so Bob maybe you

21:05 could maybe you could give all the

21:06 viewers your take on how you see Miss

21:09 continuing to evolve yeah I see a couple

21:11 of vectors here on where Miss is going

21:13 to be involving Cloud aops uh the first

21:15 is around gen Ai and llm right we all

21:18 saw what happened when chat GPT came to

21:20 Market 2021 2022 um I personally believe

21:25 and I believed it since we started miss

21:26 that conversational interfaces are going

21:28 to be the next user interface you know

21:31 for networking and for other verticals

21:33 so I think we're going to start to see

21:35 that technology start to evolve more

21:38 we're already starting to see do magical

21:39 things uh you know at Miss Marvis we

21:42 started with a 2018 with natural

21:45 language understanding you know what

21:46 chat G PT really brings is a voice to

21:48 Marvis now so we're going to see that

21:51 extend over time I think the other thing

21:53 what we're going to see is these deep

21:55 learning models what we're seeing with

21:56 zoom and teams you know the same

21:59 transformation we saw them do inside of

22:01 the language space you know we're

22:02 starting to see that in networking right

22:04 models that can actually accurately

22:06 predict a user's performance that's what

22:08 leads to actually be able to get to

22:10 predicting and get to cause the problems

22:13 so if I look forward in the future you

22:15 know natural language is going to be a

22:16 big part of it deep learning is going to

22:18 be the technology that starts to disrupt

22:21 the networking space and bring more

22:22 functionality into Marvis and

22:26 networking sounds like an exciting

22:28 future I'm looking forward to seeing how

22:30 it all all comes out listen that's all

22:33 the time we have for today so thank you

22:35 for watching extending AI to Enterprise

22:38 routing um on the cube research for more

22:41 information on Juniper's AI native

22:43 platform and routing Assurance Solutions

22:45 please visit the Juniper website

22:54 [Music]

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